Tuesday 17 January 2017


For centuries we call us humans,the smartest creatures on the earth,with all that we achieved.but do you strongly agree with the achievements we have accomplished,well after reading this article you will have second thoughts for sure
here are 5 reasons that shows why humans are the dumbest creatures on earth


This is the biggest lie ever!!
I am a animal lover myself but ask yourself are we truly animal lovers or we are just on the favor of our favorite ones.For example people watch a documentary about the tigers and say "we should save the animals,animals are innocent,trust worthy etc etc ...save the tigers "and we say all this while having a chicken leg piece in one hand and hamburger in the other.

i guess may be we are ignorant to those animals who aren't harmful or rather less attractive 

2.COMPLICATED LIFESTYLE                                                           


i guess we all agree at this ,at some point we all have been jealous of the animals that their life is far too better than ours,all they need to do is just EAT<SLEEP<REPEAT.

What we have is a whole different story!!you come to this world and what,you go to school,college,job,marriage, kids ,family ,kill your dreams and wishes and then you die with the horrible diseases that we created ourselves.still we are the smartest species on the face of the earth ??? huh 


Moving to the topic,have you ever noticed that despite of all the clever things that we do or we have done,we are dumb in our own way.
There is only one reason behind every living organism,GUESS WHAT IT IS ??????
Its reproduction!! surprised?? 
well the only reason we live is to transfer our genes to the next generation thats it.In a more simple manner we only live to make babies,AS stupid as it sounds it is the truth. all the things that we do apart from that is simply useless.
Scientists have discovered that Cell(life) has only two options 1)IMMORTALITY 2)REPRODUCE,
when the habitat is suitable and the environment is as so that the cell can sustain for ever then the cell chooses IMMORTALITY 
but when the habitat is like the one we have here then the cell has no option but to reproduce and transfer it self to the next generation.


Along with many inventions we also invented disloyalty,dishonesty etc.every animal is loyal to each other,honest with each other,honest with their cause but its not the same with us.The only thing that we are loyal to is our own survival even though if we have to be disloyal to our race,family,friends we do it.
we lie,we cheat,we kill.
Have you ever thought that we are the only creatures on Earth who kill for enjoyment and fun.We kill each other in the name of colour,race,religion,money,sex,etc.its like our race has been cursed to destroy each other.


It has always been believed that there are aliens somewhere who are planning a invasion to destroy earth.Guess what they don't need to,we humans are enough for that.To get all the comforts and luxury,we are poisoning the very breath we take,the water we drink and the food we eat.
what could be the more idiotic act,and when there are natural calamities like flood,drought,global warming etc then we have our Gods to blame for that.Blaming Gods for global warming might bring mental satisfaction but wont change the actual cause behind it and its disastrous effects.Extinction of a species is a different thing but if things goes the way they are now then we will be responsible for the destruction of the whole planet.

This is a request to all the 7 billion people in the world.
that there has never been a cause that would Unite us as a species rather then race and religion.if we want our species to survive then we must act quickly against all the harmful deeds that we are practicing against the environment cause if we continue the way things are going then there will be no life on this planet.


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